Episode 22 September 19, 2018 00:17:40
Sneaky Geek

Sep 19 2018 | 00:17:40


Hosted By

Bryce Rankins Bryan Romero

Show Notes


(see? all caps. that's how you show excitement.)

We go through shot by shot and explain all that we can without spoiling too much for ourselves because we may be here to report on these things but it doesn't mean we're desperate to know the plot before it hits us. We talk about who some of these characters shown are in the comics, give a smidgeon of backstory (not too much though, this one's a quickie) and then talk about what some of this could mean for the Captain Marvel story!



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hi, this is Bryce Rankins and you're listening to a very special trailer breakdown episode of Sneaky Geek. [00:00:31] Speaker B: Holy shit. [00:00:32] Speaker C: Whoa. [00:00:32] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. [00:00:33] Speaker C: Whoa. [00:00:33] Speaker A: That was great. [00:00:34] Speaker C: Whoa. [00:00:34] Speaker A: It was super cool. [00:00:36] Speaker C: Whoa. [00:00:36] Speaker A: Do you want to watch it again? [00:00:37] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:00:39] Speaker B: Are we just going to fucking blockbuster video? [00:00:42] Speaker A: Blockbuster video. Fantastic. [00:00:45] Speaker B: So this is set in the 90s, if you haven't figured it out yet. [00:00:48] Speaker A: Yeah. Nothing says ninety s like a blockbuster video filled with VHS tapes. Yeah. It's not just blockbuster video, it's blockbuster video filled with VHS tapes. [00:00:58] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:00:58] Speaker B: Not even dvd era. So classic. Classic. Also spoilers. Yeah, we're talking about the trailer. [00:01:05] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:01:05] Speaker A: We are here talking today. Really quick episode, talking about the Captain Marvel trailer, which just dropped because, duh. Because it's fantastic. It's actually a really, really well put together trailer. [00:01:14] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:01:15] Speaker A: Which I really appreciate because sometimes they've put out trailers that aren't as good. That's true. In the past, they've been really good about it. Lately, though, I think Star wars kind of set the standard just to be like, hey, be as ambiguous as possible. [00:01:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:01:31] Speaker A: Keeping people guessing. [00:01:32] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:01:32] Speaker B: Marvel had a few problems with spoiling half the freaking movie in the trailer. [00:01:36] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:01:36] Speaker B: Luckily, this one is a teaser trailer and it's a solid teaser trailer. It doesn't explain a whole lot. Shows just enough of what you want to see. Stuff you maybe didn't expect but didn't. [00:01:47] Speaker A: And honestly, a lot of. A lot of flashes of like, check out this young girl, this young woman, this cadet. We see a lot of that. We don't see nearly as much of what we're probably going to go to the movie for, which I really appreciate, but we'll get to that in a minute. [00:02:07] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:02:07] Speaker A: As we're going to just play through. As we're going play it through. [00:02:09] Speaker B: We're going to pause it and we're going to talk about it. [00:02:11] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:02:12] Speaker B: You might be able to hear it. I don't know, whatever we got. [00:02:14] Speaker A: Quietly action section. Lol. [00:02:16] Speaker B: Sam Jackson talking. [00:02:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:02:18] Speaker B: So he's talking about he knows a soldier when he sees him, but he also sees a wayward soldier. [00:02:23] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:02:23] Speaker A: Renegade soldier. [00:02:24] Speaker B: Renegade soldier. [00:02:25] Speaker A: I know a renegade soldier when I see one. Which is a cool. [00:02:28] Speaker B: Yeah, cool hint to what's going to happen in the story. [00:02:31] Speaker A: Also, interesting line coming from him, but I mean, we know he's like super old or whatever. [00:02:35] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:02:36] Speaker A: So that'd be really cool. Oh, I would like that. If we could just talk about how long Nick Fury's been actually doing this. Marvel Studios, she's like, looking around in the subway. We don't know what she's looking. [00:02:48] Speaker B: And we see some shield compound. She's got a cool shield hat. [00:02:52] Speaker A: Cool shield hat. I need that shield hat. [00:02:53] Speaker B: Yeah, that's pretty cool. I don't really do hats, but that's a cool shield hat. [00:02:57] Speaker A: I wouldn't mind having a hat. [00:02:58] Speaker B: What we also have is what looks like an autopsy with. [00:03:02] Speaker A: Yeah, we paused. [00:03:04] Speaker C: That was. [00:03:04] Speaker B: That's definitely a scroll. Which is now apparently can be used in the Marvel Studios. [00:03:09] Speaker A: Yeah. Which is super cool because it was. [00:03:12] Speaker B: Owned by Fox and was pretty much only set to the Fantastic Four movies. [00:03:16] Speaker A: Which they are a fantastic turned out enemy. [00:03:18] Speaker B: So wonderful. [00:03:19] Speaker A: Yeah. We all know how the Fantastic Four franchise has done in the last three attempts at it. [00:03:24] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:03:24] Speaker B: But anyway, so, yeah, Marvel Studios made a deal with Fox Studios to get certain rights and certain characters, and they could use some that it was a weird legal stuff. You can read on it. [00:03:33] Speaker A: And that was before the current. Does Disney own 20th Century Fox question, right? [00:03:41] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:03:41] Speaker B: This buyout thing going on currently, but anyway, yeah, so that was a year or two ago, and they got some rights back and traded some rights and. Yeah, so that's how we get scrolls in Captain Marvel. [00:03:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:03:51] Speaker B: So keeping it going. [00:03:52] Speaker C: Cool. [00:03:52] Speaker B: Spaceships. [00:03:53] Speaker A: Yeah, we got some blasters. We got young Sam Jackson with two eyeballs. [00:04:00] Speaker B: Yeah, two eyeballs. Some hair. He looks good. [00:04:03] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:04:04] Speaker A: Fury is an agent. He's not necessarily running shield. [00:04:08] Speaker B: He's not director Fury yet. [00:04:10] Speaker A: We don't even know if Jasper Sitwell's here. Oh, what if Jasper Sitwell was so great? [00:04:15] Speaker C: That'd be cool. [00:04:16] Speaker A: Anyways. [00:04:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:04:18] Speaker B: Like, she's on possibly. [00:04:20] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:04:21] Speaker B: Which is the Kree homeworld. [00:04:22] Speaker A: Yeah. Cree Homeworld. Hala. Which probably explain also what Skrulls are. Skrulls are a shape shifting alien race with ribbed chins for your pleasure. [00:04:30] Speaker B: Yeah, not quite Thanos status. But, you know. [00:04:32] Speaker A: Yeah, not that ribbed. Ultra ribbed. [00:04:35] Speaker B: Ultra ribbed. Yeah, we'll go there anyways. [00:04:42] Speaker A: We're in an airplane hangar. [00:04:43] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:04:44] Speaker A: When we see her walking with somebody. Wait, whose name is on that name tag? [00:04:48] Speaker B: It's kind of hard to read, but you can get some basics. It looks like her first name is. [00:04:52] Speaker A: Monica, and her second name, looks. Starts with an r. Like Rambo. [00:04:57] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:04:57] Speaker B: Like Captain Marvel. [00:04:59] Speaker A: Like 80s Captain Marvel from Secret wars. [00:05:02] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:05:02] Speaker A: Monica Rambeau was a. I guess she had it for, like, ten years or something like that. She was after. [00:05:09] Speaker B: Okay. [00:05:10] Speaker A: There's been quite more than one Captain Marvel's before, the first major one being Marvell, who wound up in the comics, he wound up dying of cancer. He's one of the few people who's never really been allowed to come back because cancer is a pretty serious thing. Then after him, there was, in the 80s, there was Captain Marvel, who was Monica Rambeau. She wore white. She had bitching hair. And she ran from 1982 for quite a while. Quite a while. [00:05:43] Speaker B: Probably early ninety s. I think. [00:05:45] Speaker A: She even start, like, her first issue was in a Spiderman. Is that what I just read? Amazing Spiderman annual was the first appearance. Number 16, October 1982. [00:05:53] Speaker C: Oh. [00:05:54] Speaker B: Designed to look like the actress Pam Greer looks like they did a pretty. [00:05:56] Speaker C: Good job of it. [00:05:57] Speaker A: I would say so, yeah. So she appeared in Marvel Divas, which is partly inspired by Sex in the City. And she is one of the main characters alongside Black Cat, Hellcat, and Firestar. She was in Great Lakes Avengers for a hot second. [00:06:14] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:06:14] Speaker B: So she's still kind of around in the comics, which is cool. [00:06:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:06:17] Speaker A: She, I think, showed up again in the more recent secret wars too, did she not? [00:06:23] Speaker B: She might have been in. There was a whole. Pretty much. [00:06:27] Speaker A: Anyway, so that's super cool that we have a story that we basically have three Captain Marvel. Captain Marvels. [00:06:33] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:06:33] Speaker B: That's super neat. [00:06:34] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:06:35] Speaker B: All right. Continuing on. [00:06:36] Speaker A: And we have her at an air force base, which is super cool. And we have her swinging and not being so great at great editing. All these falls together and stuff. These match cuts. They look great. [00:06:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:06:47] Speaker B: So we have a couple of different eras of Carol Danvers. We got her as a kid. Got her as a teenager. I'm guessing maybe early 20 cadet. [00:06:54] Speaker A: We got her as an air force pilot. We got her as what I think is current. So maybe she did most of this stuff in the 80s, maybe, which would be really cool. Like ultra period piece that we get the. We get the 80s in here. [00:07:05] Speaker B: That'd be really rad. [00:07:06] Speaker A: We got her hanging upside down in some sort of prison with her arms locked off, because that's where her power is, which is super cool. [00:07:12] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:07:12] Speaker B: Which could be set up for Ronan, who's making appearance in this movie. [00:07:17] Speaker A: This is true. Yeah. She's either on the Kree, which would make sense. I could see him having problems with. What do they call him? Star Force. [00:07:24] Speaker B: Yeah, star Force, I guess. [00:07:26] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:07:26] Speaker B: Because he's kind of, and it was established in Guardians of the Galaxy. Ronan is kind of doing his own thing because he's kind of batshit crazy. [00:07:33] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:07:34] Speaker A: Or she's on a Skrull ship because the colors and everything looking here, greenish. I don't know, I feel like, the Skrulls are kind of very klingony in their, like, dark ships. [00:07:44] Speaker B: Yeah, that's true. [00:07:45] Speaker A: They're not about extravagance. They're about efficiency. [00:07:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:07:50] Speaker B: Discover cool shots of some Kree walking alongside her to either side. [00:07:56] Speaker A: Super cool, because have we seen other Kree other than guardians, Ronan? [00:08:02] Speaker B: Yeah, they're in guardians a little bit. [00:08:04] Speaker A: Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. [00:08:06] Speaker B: Yeah, they're in guardians. And then they're also in agents of. [00:08:08] Speaker A: S-H-I-E-L-D. Definitely in agents of SHIeld, which. [00:08:10] Speaker B: Is super nice little tie in there. Continuing on, we see the original Captain Marvel, Mar Vell, played by Jude law. Jude law. He looks like he's got some yellow eyes, which is pretty cool. [00:08:21] Speaker C: Yep. [00:08:22] Speaker B: So the original Captain Marvel, or Marvell, was introduced as part of the Kree race, who came to Earth to spy. In fact, the Mr. Sidekick, Rick Jones, who ended up being sidekick for Captain America, and the incredible Hulk, who ended up turning into a bomb for a bit. Got his start with. [00:08:44] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, Rick Jones. [00:08:45] Speaker B: Captain Marvel here. [00:08:46] Speaker A: Yeah, I didn't know that was where he started. That's super cool. [00:08:48] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:08:49] Speaker B: And that all kind of led into the big Cree scroll war in Avengers 89 to 97. [00:08:56] Speaker A: The Cree scroll war is a huge event. Everyone. They keep bringing that back. [00:09:03] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:09:03] Speaker B: And so apparently, this is going to be part of the movie, too, obviously. Probably. [00:09:07] Speaker A: I hope so. I hope. [00:09:08] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. [00:09:09] Speaker B: So we have that. Another cool shot of Captain Marvel throughout her life. [00:09:13] Speaker A: I guess we got some shots of. [00:09:15] Speaker B: Actual quick shot of the scroll and. [00:09:19] Speaker A: Then her punching an old lady. Yeah, I hope that old lady says, he loves you. I want that so bad. I just want her to be like, he loves you. That's all I want to hear. Which is a phrase that scrolls say because they're God. [00:09:31] Speaker B: Well, secret war or secret invasion? Invasion, which was part of a sect of crazy scrolls, not usual, regular scrolls. So that's why most scrolls didn't say that up until the event. [00:09:47] Speaker C: Cool. [00:09:47] Speaker B: So we have a cool shot of something exploding, because why the hell not? A real quick shot of Ronan, super fast, looking over possibly the earth, and then a freaking awesome shot of the man, Phil Coulson, young buzz cut. [00:10:00] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:10:01] Speaker A: Nice tie. [00:10:02] Speaker B: He looks really good there. [00:10:04] Speaker C: Yeah, he does. [00:10:04] Speaker A: Yeah, he does. We got a thing that says, with target on a beeper, so I'm not sure. [00:10:09] Speaker B: I wonder if Fury sent her back to be, like, a spy or something. [00:10:14] Speaker A: Yeah, too. Still using the beeper. [00:10:16] Speaker C: Yeah. Hell, yeah. [00:10:17] Speaker B: Which we saw in a certain Avengers movie recently. So next we have a bunch of Kree and their cool body armors flying somewhere. [00:10:29] Speaker A: Well, we have a bunch of star force for sure because they've got a mask that's like a force field over their face. [00:10:35] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:10:35] Speaker B: So their hair is coming out the. [00:10:36] Speaker A: Top, which is very similar to Captain Marvel's current look. Yeah. [00:10:43] Speaker B: At least in her costume. [00:10:44] Speaker A: Yeah, in her costume. With her hair coming out the top and stuff. [00:10:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:10:47] Speaker A: Wager. I'd say that one specifically is her, given the hair color. [00:10:50] Speaker B: Possibly. [00:10:51] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:10:52] Speaker B: So then we also see a better look at the armor, which is cool. And it's based on a lot of the ultimate universe's Kree looks, which is pretty fancy. She's there. [00:11:03] Speaker A: Clinch fisting. [00:11:04] Speaker B: That's some really cool shots. [00:11:05] Speaker A: Clinch fisting. Fist clinching. And then we got glowing badassness. [00:11:11] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:11:12] Speaker A: And a logo. [00:11:14] Speaker B: Captain Marvel showing her binary powers, possibly, which is cool. [00:11:18] Speaker A: That'd be dope. [00:11:19] Speaker B: And then that was the trailer. [00:11:21] Speaker A: That was it. [00:11:21] Speaker C: Which is. [00:11:22] Speaker A: There it is. [00:11:22] Speaker C: Rad. [00:11:23] Speaker B: Well, I'm excited for this movie. [00:11:24] Speaker A: I'm super excited for this. [00:11:25] Speaker B: Like, I was excited for the movie before, but I really am now. [00:11:27] Speaker A: I mean, it's only been out for a few hours, this trailer. And it already has 11 million views. [00:11:31] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:11:31] Speaker B: 11 million views. It's close to twelve. [00:11:35] Speaker A: Probably by the end of the day, for sure. [00:11:37] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:11:37] Speaker B: By the time we get this uploaded. [00:11:39] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:11:39] Speaker B: Today. [00:11:40] Speaker A: That's true. [00:11:41] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:11:41] Speaker A: That is super cool. Super, super cool. [00:11:45] Speaker B: Definitely. [00:11:45] Speaker A: I'm super excited. [00:11:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:11:47] Speaker B: So we get this, which is going to help set up for her appearance in Avengers four, whatever they're calling that. [00:11:54] Speaker A: Yes. [00:11:55] Speaker B: Infinity War two. Electric boogaloo. Who knows? DML is pretty. There's a lot of bright colors, which Marvel's starting to go. [00:12:05] Speaker A: Marvel learned a lot from this last year of what people like, and they don't like monochromatic, boring people. [00:12:13] Speaker B: Bright, pretty colors. [00:12:15] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:12:15] Speaker A: No, I loved it. I absolutely loved it. I am excited. I think it did everything a trailer should. It gave me enough information to go, I'm curious about the story, but not enough to tell me what the story actually is, because I feel like a lot of trailers lately have been reassuring you that they're actually going to be good movies. And before that, it was a lot of giving way too much information. Like Jurassic park did a little bit of both. The first trailer was really cool. We didn't know anything. The second trailer spoiled a major turning point in the thing. I had to sing to myself and plug my ears. I was so mad. I was so, so mad because I didn't think they would give away that much. [00:12:56] Speaker B: And they did. [00:12:56] Speaker A: And then they did. And then we got the Star wars trailers that we saw last year. They were very ambiguous. You didn't know what was going to happen because everything was really quick and out of context. [00:13:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:13:10] Speaker B: Spliced together weirdly out of context, which. [00:13:13] Speaker A: Yeah, that I feel like is how a trailer should go, because I'm really picky about trailers because I agree with Dave. It's a risk that most people shouldn't take if they don't like spoilers to watch a trailer. And for me, teasers is kind of where I will always watch. I won't try not to watch a real trailer. Yeah. I'll typically avoid real trailers just because I don't trust these companies that make them. But this one was also edited beautifully and we saw a lot without any of it really making a whole lot of sense. According to Entertainment Weekly, the movie is going to start with her already having powers and kind of coming back to earth to try to figure out what she is doing. [00:13:54] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:13:54] Speaker B: It kind of sounds like she might have amnesia sort of thing. [00:13:58] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:13:58] Speaker A: She doesn't really know entirely what her human backstory is. There's that point where she says, keep seeing flashes. She says, I'm not who you think I am. And if I had to wager, I would say that that's her reconnecting with Monica Rambeau and going, I've been missing. But this is what it's been more than mean. That's really all we know, which is scrolls. We know there's krees. [00:14:23] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:14:23] Speaker B: Probably a war going on in there. [00:14:25] Speaker A: I should hope so. [00:14:26] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:14:26] Speaker B: We got a young Sam Jackson. We got a young Coulson. [00:14:29] Speaker A: Young Coulson. Young Nick Fury. Good times. Yeah, good times. Perfect. [00:14:34] Speaker B: Solid teaser trailer. [00:14:36] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. I'm teased. Yes. [00:14:37] Speaker A: And I'm into it. And you know what? I think part of the reason that this has so much views already is one, everyone's still wondering what the heck's going on with Marvel after Infinity War. [00:14:46] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:14:46] Speaker A: Because nobody stopped talking about that for like, two months and then two. We really haven't had a lot of really phenomenal blockbusters this summer. It was kind of a quiet Summer, sort of. [00:14:58] Speaker B: I think it was more. There could have been, like, too many, and so everybody just kind of got, like, over it. [00:15:04] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:15:05] Speaker A: We had Ant Man, I guess. [00:15:06] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:15:06] Speaker A: I mean, but I mean, Ant man's not for everyone, and it's certainly most people consider it something that you don't need. I liked jurassic world. I liked Ant Man. I liked both of them, actually, very. But, like, neither of them really after Infinity War. Yeah, really. [00:15:21] Speaker B: I think Infinity War kind of set the tone and then no one else got close to it. [00:15:25] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:15:25] Speaker A: Well, in Ant Man, Ant man was a comedy. And so it was fun. It was great. It was exciting, but it was still, at the end of the day, a comedy. [00:15:33] Speaker B: Right. [00:15:34] Speaker A: And then Jurassic World was a little bit more of a suspense thriller. And while it is like in that Sci-Fi universe and there is some action, it's certainly not the explosive action that you'd come to see from a Ninja Turtles movie or a DC Universe movie, although the DC Universe anyway. [00:15:55] Speaker B: But, yeah, so it was really cool, too, that we actually got something with Captain Marvel because they announced that Brie Larson was Captain Marvel, like, two or three years ago. [00:16:03] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:16:03] Speaker A: We haven't really had any idea where this is going to go for quite some time. [00:16:07] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:16:07] Speaker B: So it's kind of cool that we're actually getting something out of it. [00:16:10] Speaker C: Yep. [00:16:10] Speaker A: Well, that's all we really mean. I'm sure we'll talk more about this. We should probably do something on the Cree's and the scrolls at some point. [00:16:18] Speaker B: Yeah, maybe we'll get Dave around for that. [00:16:21] Speaker A: Yeah, Dave. [00:16:23] Speaker C: Cool. Thanks. [00:16:24] Speaker B: All right, let us know what you think and stay tuned for some more content coming up pretty soon. [00:16:31] Speaker A: Heck yeah. We're going to try to be as consistent as we physically can. Also, if you haven't already, make sure you check us out on Facebook. We're slash Sneaky Geek podcast. We are on Twitter at sneakygeekpod, but we never use it. We are on Instagram at Sneaky Geek podcast, which is a little more popular. We certainly post that more than anywhere else except for maybe Facebook. And make sure you subscribe to us on whatever podcast app you listen to us on, which would be really cool for us. Drop some comments on our Soundcloud or leave us a review. We would love that. It definitely helps us out. And thanks for hoaring us out. Thanks for hoaring us out. Yes, we appreciate you, our fans, pimps. [00:17:15] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:17:27] Speaker B: I just want to watch Captain Marvel trailer for the 7th time. [00:17:36] Speaker A: Voice it.

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